Robinul Description
Robinul or generic Glycopyrrolate is prescribed to those who experience increased saliva production, irritable colon, and stomach ulcers.
This is an anticholinergic drug that can be useful for treating peptic ulcers by reducing the amount of stomach acid you produce.
Robinul has not been shown to heal ulcers or prevent them from returning. A pediatrician may prescribe Robinul to treat children aged 3 to 16 that have cerebral palsy to help stop them from drooling.
The generic alternative is not manufactured by the company that makes the brand product.
Recommended Dosage
The recommended initial dosage of ROBINUL for adults is 1 mg three times daily (in the morning, early afternoon, and at bedtime).
Some patients may require 2 mg at bedtime to assure overnight control of symptoms. For maintenance, a dosage of 1 mg twice a day is frequently adequate
How Robinul Works in Your Body
When taken as directed, it works to block the activity of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. This is the chemical your nervous system releases in order to activate muscles.
By inhibiting this action, your muscles are more relaxed and this can help prevent your sweat glands from being stimulated as well as reducing secretions in your mouth, throat, and stomach.
You should drink plenty of water when takingit as it can interfere with your body’s ability to sweat and cool you down when you are over-heated.
Uses Of Robinul
Robinul has many uses; decreasing saliva production and bronchial secretions during surgery, relaxing gut muscles for irritable colon and diarrhea, and controlling the acid production in your stomach.
One of the side effects of Robinul is decreased sweating, and for women going through menopause, this could be a welcome side effect although this drug is not prescribed for that specific reason.
If you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Robinul can help reduce the production of mucus in your airway so it is easier for you to be intubated for surgery.
This is when a breathing tube is placed through your mouth and down into your airway to monitor your breathing during surgical procedures.
Robinul can also be helpful for relieving the muscle cramps and spasms of irritable bowel syndrome.
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